Connecting passionate people with practical experience and successful careers.


The mission of AOMC is to create manufacturer-led solutions in partnership with education, workforce, and economic development that motivate and prepare youth and incumbent workers through skills, training and credentials to enter and advance in manufacturing careers.


AOMC offers area manufacturers the opportunity to work together and accomplish change critical to our economic future!

Our membership represents Athens, Belmont, Gallia, Guernsey, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble, and Washington Counties—and beyond.


Ready to join AOMC?

Fill out and return the membership form to be part of the movement and support our region.

Guided by local leaders, regional sector partnerships are critical to solving Ohio’s workforce challenge, we are especially proud to have AOMC as a partner in making Ohio the nation’s leader in developing manufacturing talent.
— Eric Burkland, OMA President

We are an Industry Sector Partnership

AOMC is an Ohio Manufacturers’ Association Endorsed Sector Partnership.