AOMC Quarterly Gathering - Feb. 2, 2021

One year ago AOMC hosted it's first Quarterly Gathering. It was designed to bring together anyone working to build and grow the manufacturing sector in southeast Ohio. That first Gathering kicked-off multiple conversations that continued throughout the year, despite COVID. Each month members of AOMC put their heads together to hash out possibilities for improving the manufacturing workforce with available resources and then they work to implement the ideas as they are designed. 

In order to share these ideas and get feedback and direction from more manufacturers, AOMC is hosting a virtual Quarterly Gathering on Tuesday, Feb. 2, from 9:00 - 10:30.

Please join us! We seek your thoughts on engaging the future workforce and how to sift through the large topic of credentials. We are also working to gather comprehensive and accurate data about what manufacturers in southeast Ohio need.

General Agenda: 

Whole Group: Welcome and Introduction
Breakout sessions: Engaging your Future Workforce or The Wide World of Credentials
Whole Group: Workforce Data in southeast Ohio

Click here to register. It is free to participate and a Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the day of the meeting.


Virtual Gathering = Great Connections


Start with the manufacturers….it works!